Rule 19:
To subtract, the denominators must be equal. You essentially following the same steps as in addition.
Build each fraction so that both denominators are equal.
Combine the numerators according to the operation of subtraction or additions.
The denominators will be the denominator of the built-up fractions.
Reduce the answer.

Calculate tex2html_wrap_inline52 .
The answer is tex2html_wrap_inline54 .
The denominators are different; therefore, the first step is to build the fractions to fractions with common denominators. 15 can be factored as follows: 15 = 3 tex2html_wrap_inline56 5 and 22 can be factored as follows: 22 = 2 tex2html_wrap_inline56 11. Rewrite both fractions where the denominators are in factored form.

tex2html_wrap_inline60 .

Multiply each fraction by the form of 1 that will yield denominators with the same set of factors. (i.e., you can find each set of factors in the denominator of the answer)


Combine the numerators: 88 - 45 = 43.
The answer is tex2html_wrap_inline66 . This answer is already reduced.

Now prove to yourself with your calculator that your answer is correct. Calculate 4 divided by 15, 3 divided by 22, and combine the answers.. Now divide 43 by 330. Both answers should be the same. If you are correct, the answers are the same (equivalent) and you have successfully subtracted one fraction from a second fraction.

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Author:Nancy Marcus

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