Let a be a positive number such that a does not equal 1, let n be a real number, and let u and v be positive real numbers.

Logarithmic Rule 2: tex2html_wrap_inline95

Example 6: Expand tex2html_wrap_inline97 and state the domain.

Solution: The domain of tex2html_wrap_inline97 is the set of all real numbers such that


You can find the domain algebraically as we did in the previous examples or you can graph


and notice for what values of x is the graph located above the x-axis. The graph rises above the x-axis to the left of - 1 and to the right of + 1. Therefore the domain of the initial expression is the set of real numbers x such that x < - 1 or x > + 1.
The expression tex2html_wrap_inline97 can be simplified to


The expression


and this can be written as


as long as each term is valid.
For tex2html_wrap_inline119 to be valid, we must have x > 1. For tex2html_wrap_inline123 to be valid, we must have x> - 1. Both terms tex2html_wrap_inline127 and tex2html_wrap_inline129 are always valid because the expressions tex2html_wrap_inline131 and tex2html_wrap_inline133 are always positive. Therefore, if we restrict the domain to all real numbers greater than 1, the expansion of tex2html_wrap_inline135 is valid.

The expression tex2html_wrap_inline137 can be simplified to


The expression tex2html_wrap_inline141 can be written as tex2html_wrap_inline143 as long as each term is valid.
For tex2html_wrap_inline145 to be valid, we must have x > 2. For tex2html_wrap_inline149 to be valid, we must have x > 3. Both terms are valid when x > 3. Therefore, if we restrict the domain to all real numbers greater than 3, the expansion of is valid.

And we can say that


as long as we restrict the domain to the set of real numbers greater than 3.

Check: Pick any number in the domain, say x = 10. Find the value of the original expression when x = 10. The value of the original expression tex2html_wrap_inline97 when x = 10 is


The value of the final expression


when x = 10 is


Since both values are the same when x = 10, the original expression and the final expression are equivalent at x = 10. We can also say that for all values of x greater than 3, the original expression is equivalent to the final expression.

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Author: Nancy Marcus

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